Saturday, November 30, 2019
Marketing strategies of BMW and Mercedes-Benz Essay Example
Marketing strategies of BMW and Mercedes-Benz Paper These people have high incomes, and have usually completed higher education. The family life cycle that the brands market themselves to differs, depending on the particular model of the car. (See above. ) 3- Psychographic Segmentation: BMW markets itself to the upper middle, as well as both the lower and upper upper class. Mercedes-Benz markets itself mostly to the upper class. 4- Behavioural Segmentation: People usually buy cars on special, as opposed to regular, occasions. The buyers of BMWs and Mercedes expect extremely high quality and service. MARKET POSITIONING. BMW and Mercedes both put much effort into making sure that their respective products leave enthusiastic impressions in the hearts and minds of their customers. They both developed slogans that they hoped would stick in customers minds; Mercedes-Benz is known for its quality engineering, while BMW markets itself as the ultimate driving machine. BMW and Mercedes-Benz also have to differentiate themselves from each other in order to draw customers to their respective brands. One example of how Mercedes tried to do this was when it developed the CLS model. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing strategies of BMW and Mercedes-Benz specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing strategies of BMW and Mercedes-Benz specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing strategies of BMW and Mercedes-Benz specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 1This model was positioned against the BMW 645Ci,2 while at the same time being positioned between the E- and S-Class sedans. The CLS was close enough in price to the BMW 645Ci so as to appeal to the same group of consumers, so in this way, Mercedes-Benz was directly challenging one of their major competitors. When tested by drivers, some concluded that the 645Ci was a better drive, but the CLS was more comfortable. From this, it is clear that Mercedes-Benz succeeded in positioning itself in customers minds as separate from BMW. MARKETING MIX Product Both BMW and Mercedes-Benz offer customers a wide range of products. Mercedes-Benz has twelve separate classes 3 of automobiles just within the passenger car sector. BMW, meanwhile, has nine series. 4 The way in which both brands try to differentiate themselves from each other is evident even in the dissimilar names they have given their line of products. Price Mercedes-Benz does not place much emphasis on keeping prices down. Indeed consumers expect both Mercedes-Benz and BMW, being in the luxury automobile market, to be priced higher than the average car. Therefore, Mercedes has to concentrate more on how its prices compare with its competitors rather than on how high its prices are in absolute terms. BMW, as part of its premium brand strategy, (see Promotion) wants to maximize its revenues per vehicle; they think that their strong brand recognition and the excellent quality of their products will help them achieve this goal. This means that they do not focus their efforts on keeping prices down; instead they want to sell exactly the right number of well-produced cars so as to attain a targeted profit. 5 Both Mercedes-Benz and BMW have relatively low price elasticity. This is because the consumer who can afford to buy the car in the first place will most likely not be deterred from making the purchase simply because the price went up by a few thousand dollars. However, since BMW markets itself to the upper-middle class, which is more price conscious than the upper class that Mercedes-Benz focuses on, it has higher price elasticity. People in the upper-middle class might change their minds about the purchase of a car if the price went up by a few thousand dollars. Promotion BMW promotes itself using a highly selective strategy. It has chosen certain segments in the automobile market, and it does not involve itself in the mass market, otherwise known as the volume segments of the automobile market. BMW calls this selectivity premium brand strategy. This means that BMW does not promote itself to all segments of car buyers; instead, it concentrates on targeting those consumers who it thinks will be interested in automobiles from their specifically chosen markets. Mercedes-Benz promotes itself as the worlds leading luxury brand. Within its target market of upper class middle-aged people, it is not as selective about who exactly to promote itself to as BMW is. It wants to attract and keep as many customers as it can. It promotes itself as innovating products rather than simply designing new versions of the same old product. For example, in promoting the Compact Sports Tourer, Mercedes-Benz said it: is the astounding response to a new zest for life: athletic, distinctive and versatile. For people who wish to live out their individuality. 6 It is promoting itself as a company that makes cars for people who are not afraid to stand out from the crowd; in much the same way, Mercedes- Benz Brand wants to stand out among its competitors. Place Most sales for both BMW and Mercedes-Benz take place at car dealerships. However, oftentimes consumers research the vehicles on the Internet before coming to the dealership, so the companies websites are also an important place where they can connect with consumers. It is therefore in the best interests of both brands to foster a strong presence online. To this end, Mercedes-Benz worked with iProspect, a search engine marketing firm, in order to increase its websites visibility within the major search engines. 7 Recommendations for futures strategies Both BMW and Mercedes-Benz want to build up a good relationship with female buyers, car buyers especially, and then the overall objective is to keep these buyers buying their products. Female buyers may feel nervous or even scared when going to look far a new car, especially if they are alone and do not have much knowledge or any confidence in their knowledge about cars, and with this nervousness they probably will be approached by an aggressive salesman, who may feel has got an easy target to sell a car to that they may not necessarily want or need, the salesman would just be trying to get a sale and get their commission. This may mean that many potential female customers to these two companys may feel overwhelmed and put off going to the dealer, which may result in a loss of a customer. Female buyers may feel a lot more comfortable when approached by a female sales representative at the dealership. BMW and Mercedes-Benz may want to look into employing more female sales representatives, especially in areas where they feel or know there are numerous prospective female buyers of their products. After sales customer service is a major area in which a customer will buy or re-buy their products. If for whatever reason, the customer, is not completely satisfied with the service they have received or they feel or have heard by word of mouth that they can get better service from another company, they may buy from that company, even if they feel the car is not as good as one from BMW or Mercedes-Benz. In a survey carried out by the BBC television show Topgear, where the general public with cars no older than three years where asked to write in or vote for how satisfied they where with the after sales service from the dealer and overall reliability of their car. In this vote there were a total of a hundred and forty two different cars included written in about or voted for. From these 142 cars the Mercedes-Benz M-Class was voted one of the most unreliable cars, and was also one of the cars that would be least recommended to someone else, or bought again. Also, from this list of 142 cars there were a total of six Mercedes-Benz models in the bottom third of the list, showing a general dissatisfaction of the service received after the initial sale of the car, and more worryingly for Mercedes-Benz none of their models made the top ten of the list. Even though none of BMWs models made the top ten list for the overall after sales service, BMW did have two cars in the buy again top ten with the BMW Z3 and 5-Series. The rest of BMWs models may not have made any other of the top ten lists; none of their models made the bottom ten lists, therefore according to the survey, the general public prefer the service offered by BMW than Mercedes-Benz. Although both companies may provide a friendly, professional looking service, they may want to look at the structure of their service, as the consumer that have purchased their products clearly are not greatly satisfied with the service they have received, according to the survey carried out by Topgear, shown on the next page. One reason why the Mercedes-Benz range of cars and especially the M-Class may have done so badly in the Topgear survey is because the consumers who purchased these cars are likely to have had experiences with other companies and there dealers and may have thought that Mercedes being classed as a luxury brand expected more than the other brands offer, which may have not been the case and therefore, the customers may feel that even though they spent more money on the car, they did not receive a better service, and may have been disappointed by this. 2004 Top Gear Survey the Last 10 (Ranking: Model Score out of 100) 133: Fiat Stilo 73. 7 134: Renault Megane 73. 6 135: Citroen Xsara 73. 5 136: Peugeot 206 73. 5 137: Citroen Saxo 73. 4 138: Fiat Bravo 70. 7 139: Renault Espace 70. 6 140: Renault Laguna 70. 3 141: Peugeot 307 69. 8 142: Mercedes M-Class 69. 8 The 10 most unreliable cars There were 142 cars listed in the final survey, of which the following 10 were ranked as the most unreliable. Citroen C3 (133rd) VW Polo (New) (134th) Citroen Xsara (135th) Citroen C5 (136th) Fiat Stilo (137th) Renault Megane (New) (138th) Mercedes M-Class (139th) Peugeot 307 (140th) Renault Laguna (141st) Renault Espace (142nd) Would you buy this car again? Top 10 who said Yes, Id buy this car again! Jaguar XJ (100%) Honda S2000 (99%) Subaru Forester (99%) Honda Jazz (98%) Skoda Fabia (98%) Skoda Octavia (97%) Seat Toledo (97%) Honda CR-V (96%) BMW 5-Series (96%) BMW Z3 (96%) Taken from www. bbc. co. uk/topgear website under the car survey link Another area which both companies may want to look is the cost of maintaining their cars. Many customers that can afford to buy a BMW or Mercedes-Benz, be it brand new or second hand, may not necessarily be able to afford to maintain the car. The labour charge that is incurred by both these companies is around the i 90 per hour, which is about three times more than if you were to go to a private mechanic. The labour charge does not include parts which are added on top. Some parts have to be specially ordered from Germany as authorised dealers do not carry all the parts, this means that the customer will have to wait until the part is shipped over to have their vehicle repaired. Therefore both companies may want to look at maybe reducing their labour charges, as this may attract less wealthy customers to the range. In the Topgear survey (shown above), the Mercedes-Benz M-class may have done so poorly in the reliability section because it did not have a proper target audience, it was not targeted at the wealthy customers nor the poorer customers, and therefore the wealthier customer may have expected more from the car than it delivered, and the poorer customers may not have been able to afford to maintain the car as Mercedes-Benz cars ought to be maintained. The two companies should also look into carrying all the parts, even if its one or two of the less popular parts that are required, this would mean that customers would have their vehicles repaired back to them sooner. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1- http://www. onemotoring. com 23/11/04 2- http://www. autointell. net 22/11/04 3- http://www. mbusa. com 19/11/04 4- http://www. bmwusa. com 18/11/04 5- http://www. irishtrucker. com 23/11/04 6- http://www. criticalmass. com 23/11/04 7- http://www. bmw. com 18/11/04 8- http://www. unb. ca 17/11/04 9- http://www. johnkay. com 19/11/04 10- http://www. bmw. com 17/11/04 11- http://www. iprospect. com 22/11/04 12- http://www. mercedes-benz. com 18/11/04 13- http://www. mercedes-benz. com 18/11/04 14- http://www. bmw. com 22/11/04 15- http://www. bbc. co. uk/topgear 22/11/04 16- http://www. whatcar. com 22/11/04 1 http://www. onemotoring. com 2 http://www. bmw. com 3 http://www. mercedes-benz. com 4 http://www. bmw. com 5 http://www. unb. ca 6 http://www. mercedes-benz. com 7 http://www. iprospect. com.
Monday, November 25, 2019
true Columbus essays
true Columbus essays Europeans governments and businessmen stopped at nothing to ensure their economic success, they committed genocide plus ethnocide. The main reason Europe hurried to the new land was for resources and land which is money. Money was the center to the madness. In every battle between the natives and the settlers they were fighting over something and that something is money to the settlers. Profit is the settlers motive for the destruction of the Native communities. Columbus was the beginning to the madness that went on in the discovery and settling on the new lands. He came to the new land funded by Spain. Spain at this tie was a country that needed money so funding this expedition was a solution to their problem. Columbus promised to bring back gold and spices to pay off the expenses plus more, which would help Spains problems. Unfortunately arriving at the Americas Columbus discovered that his predictions of gold and spices were wrong and there was less then he had thought there would be. He became desperate he overpowered the natives making them slaves for he needed money to bring back to Spain and the natives were the quickest way to get it. Columbuss future relied on Spains profit of the expedition he was promised 10% of what he brought back and leadership of many of the new land. What he supplied for Spain was also benefiting him in a large way. He forced every native to supply him with a certain amount of gold over a short amount of t ime, like a tax. Doing this he became the first European to take control and treat the natives poorly he began a state of mind for the settlers that they are above the natives and they can overpower them. When the amount of gold was not enough this mind state led to genocide. In the year 1495 Columbus ordered an expedition of men to go on a slave raid. Columbus had failed in finding gold fields so slaves would be used to fill up the space on the ships. They rounded up 1500 Araw ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Banana Peel as an Alternative Floor Wax Research paper
TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I: The problem and its settings Statement of the problem Importance and Significance of the study Definition of terms Scope and Delimitation of study Conceptual Framework CHAPTER II: Related Literature Studies CHAPTER III: Methods of Research and Procedure CHAPTER IV: Analysis Presentation and Interpretation of Data CHAPTER V: Summary, Conclusion Recommendation CHAPTER VI:à Bibliography Chapter I: The problem and its setting The Statement of the problem: a) Can banana be an alternative source in making a floor wax? b) Can Pandan leaves helps to lessen the original odor of a particular products? MISSION: To know if the banana peels can be an alternative source of making floor wax and also to create a floor wax that has a less odor compared to the other floor wax that we had. To inform are target market that they can create floor wax by using banana peels. The purpose of this research is to innovate the reusable banana peels to lessen environmental waste. VISION: In 2015, we tend to educate families that they can make a home made floor ax by themselves. In this case, they can save money as well as they can save mother earth. We also want to extend the knowledge to those in the public schools who mostly used floor wax to make their classroom floor shiny. This will educate them that they can make an alternative floor wax instead of buying commercial floor wax. Importance and Significance of the Study This study can give benefits to the people especially to the poor ones to save money for their other needs. Especially in schools, it will give a benefit to the students as well as their parents to save money. Not only on that, this study help people who really used a floor wax in school or even on their house that their health are not affected because we did this wax to lessen the odor of original floor wax. * Scope and Delimitations of Study This study is only limited for the investigation of banana used as alternative source for floor wax making. We chose this study for further investigation if the banana can be an effective source for floor wax and how we can help our mother earth though we are only a student. Definition of Terms a) Banana Peel ââ¬â main ingredient in making floor wax. b) Pandan leaf ââ¬â the beneficial plant gave our product an aroma. c) Crude fiber ââ¬â * Conceptual Framework INPUT * Banana Peel * Pandan Leaves * Candle * Kerosene * Dye OUTPUT An alternative floor wax which is eco-friendly and not hazardous to childrenââ¬â¢s health. PROCESS All the materials should be prepared. Slice the Banana and Pandan. Crush the candles. Use a casserole to boil a 2cups of water. Boil the pandan within 30minutes. Put the banana peel together with the pandan. Put a 1/2cup of kerosene and 3 teaspoon of cooking oil and dye. Observe the color to know if the extract of the Banana Peel change. Strain and squeeze the banana peel with pandan. Put the crushed candles into casserole and until it melts. Combine the melted candles and the extract of banana peel with pandan. Wait until it forms like a wax. Chapter II: Relatedà Literature Studies BANANAà is theà common nameà for a fruit and also theà herbaceousà plants of theà genusMusaà which produce the commonly eaten fruit. They are native to the tropical region ofà Southeast Asiaà andà Australia. Today, they are cultivated throughout theà tropics. Banana plants are of theà familyà Musaceae. They are cultivated primarily for their fruit, and to a lesser extent for the production of fiber and as ornamental plants. As the bananas are mainly tall, upright, and fairly sturdy, they are often mistaken for trees, when the truth is the main or upright stem is called a pseudostem, literally meaning ââ¬Å"fake stemâ⬠, which for some species can obtain a height of up to 2ââ¬â8 m, withà leaves of up to 3. 5 m in length. Each pseudostem would produce a bunch of yellow, green, or even red bananas before dying and being replaced by another pseudostem. Banana leaves are widely used as plates and for lining cooking pits and for wrapping food for cooking or storage. A section of leaf often serves as an eye-shade. In Latin America, it is a common practice during rains to hold a banana leaf by the petiole, upside-down, over oneââ¬â¢s back as an ââ¬Å"umbrellaâ⬠or ââ¬Å"raincoatâ⬠. The leaves of the ââ¬ËFehiââ¬â¢ banana are used for thatching, packing, and cigarette wrappers. Pandan is widely known for the many uses it contributes to us. It is a very beneficial plant that provides many useful things for our day to day life. The aroma of theà pandan leavesà is unique very hard to describe. It is somewhat nutty, similar to fresh hay which is eventually pleasant. You can also found this kind of aroma in some varieties of rice that are grown in South East Asian countries. A good example to that is the Thai Jasmin Rice. The distinct development of the aroma of the said leaves is best when it is wilting because the freshly picked pandan leaf is eventually odourless. But if you dry it, it would surely lose the aroma very quickly. On the other hand, the flavour component of the said plant is still unknown. Some experts suggested that the aroma comes from a volatile product of oxidation degragation of a yellow carotenoid pigment fround on the plant and forms only when the plant is withered. In that aspect, the pandan leaves is also similar to rose and saffron which also has a caratenoid derived aroma compound that makes it smell extra good. Pandan leavesà are a very famous plant in some Asian countries. It contributes a lot in many different ways but most distinctly to enhance the aroma of rice and other rice products, maybe because Pandan leaves has a hay-like odour. There is also other usage of pandan leaves that would contribute a lot to us. The following common usages ofà Pandan Leavesà are as follows. The most common use of pandan leaves, especially people in Asia, to add a subtle flavour of pandan in your food. It contributes a very good smell when added in the top of the rice so that, it will produce a good smell. It is very useful since it can add appetite to anyone who will eat the cooked rice. People in Asian countries tend to enjoy eating that kind of rice. It is also best if you add coconut milk together with pandan leaves in the cooked rice. That will result to a very special taste you could ever imagine. You could not compare its taste to anything. It is simply delicious that you can forget it comes from pandan leaves. Another useful thing you can produce through pandan leaves is that you can create a paste out of it. This kind of paste can be use in several kinds of recipes. You just simply cut the leaves, 1 inch each leaves, then place it in a pot at the stove. Add a cup of water to it and place as many leaves as long as it fits the pot. Boil the said mixture. Wait until the leaves are soft. Allow some water to evaporate. Lastly, process the water and the in a food processor to create a paste. By following those simple steps, you will be able to create something useful out of pandan leaves. Floor wax can be made out of used candle by heating the used candles till they melt completely, then we add a little kerosene to the melted candles. This is an excellent polish especially for wooden floors as they keep termites away. Organic matter is the peelââ¬â¢s principal constituent. Proteins account for 0. percent by weight of the peel, lipids are 1. 7 percent, carbohydrates are 59. 1 percent and crude fiber is 31. 7 percent. This composition makes the peel a good animal feedstock. Wood flooring brings an old time, rustic elegance to your home that lasts a life time. Unfortunately, many home owners do not know the correct way to clean and care for their wood floors. A common method for cleaning wood floors is with the use of oil soap. Many wood flooring manufacturers state that using oil soap on your flooring will void the warranty. Oil soap is essentially vegetable oil and vegetable oil leaves a residue behind. For centuries, people have used kerosene to clean their wood flooring. Kerosene will not only keep your floors from looking dull, but it removes heal marks, crayon and lipsticks without causing harm to your floors Chapter III: Methods of Research and Procedure Procedures: All the materials should be prepared. Slice the Banana and Pandan. Crush the candles. Use a casserole to boil a 2cups of water. Boil the pandan within 30minutes. Put the banana peel together with the pandan. Put a 1/2cup of kerosene and 3 teaspoon of cooking oil and dye. Observe the color to know if the extract of the Banana Peel change. Strain and squeeze the banana peel with pandan. 10. Put the crushed candles into casserole and until it melts. Combine the melted candles and the extract of banana peel with pandan. Wait until it form like a wax. Chapterà IV: Analysis Presentation and Interpretation of Data SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE PART I SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE PART II Chapterà V: Summary, Conclusion Recommendation CONCLUSION Banana peel has its many uses. One of these is as an alternative resource in making floorwax. It contains good fiber that makes the wax smoother and shiner. It offers the same quality just like the other common floorwax can offer. Moreover, it is cheaper and has a nicer fragrance than the former. Recommendation: The researcher would highly recommended that we could use banana floor wax instead of busy commercial floor wax in the market because it is cheaper and fits in our budget. à Bibliography http://www. hort. purdue. edu/newcrop/morton/banana. html#Other%20Uses http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Banana Components of a Banana Peel | eHow. com http://www. ehow. com/info_10033568_components-banana-peel. html#ixzz2KKGbgW6A How to Clean Wood Floors With Kerosene | eHow. com http://www. ehow. com/how_6153768_clean-wood-floors-kerosene. html#ixzz2KKVytGce Banana Peel as an Alternative Floor Wax Research paper TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I: The problem and its settings Statement of the problem Importance and Significance of the study Definition of terms Scope and Delimitation of study Conceptual Framework CHAPTER II: Related Literature Studies CHAPTER III: Methods of Research and Procedure CHAPTER IV: Analysis Presentation and Interpretation of Data CHAPTER V: Summary, Conclusion Recommendation CHAPTER VI:à Bibliography Chapter I: The problem and its setting The Statement of the problem: a) Can banana be an alternative source in making a floor wax? b) Can Pandan leaves helps to lessen the original odor of a particular products? MISSION: To know if the banana peels can be an alternative source of making floor wax and also to create a floor wax that has a less odor compared to the other floor wax that we had. To inform are target market that they can create floor wax by using banana peels. The purpose of this research is to innovate the reusable banana peels to lessen environmental waste. VISION: In 2015, we tend to educate families that they can make a home made floor ax by themselves. In this case, they can save money as well as they can save mother earth. We also want to extend the knowledge to those in the public schools who mostly used floor wax to make their classroom floor shiny. This will educate them that they can make an alternative floor wax instead of buying commercial floor wax. Importance and Significance of the Study This study can give benefits to the people especially to the poor ones to save money for their other needs. Especially in schools, it will give a benefit to the students as well as their parents to save money. Not only on that, this study help people who really used a floor wax in school or even on their house that their health are not affected because we did this wax to lessen the odor of original floor wax. * Scope and Delimitations of Study This study is only limited for the investigation of banana used as alternative source for floor wax making. We chose this study for further investigation if the banana can be an effective source for floor wax and how we can help our mother earth though we are only a student. Definition of Terms a) Banana Peel ââ¬â main ingredient in making floor wax. b) Pandan leaf ââ¬â the beneficial plant gave our product an aroma. c) Crude fiber ââ¬â * Conceptual Framework INPUT * Banana Peel * Pandan Leaves * Candle * Kerosene * Dye OUTPUT An alternative floor wax which is eco-friendly and not hazardous to childrenââ¬â¢s health. PROCESS All the materials should be prepared. Slice the Banana and Pandan. Crush the candles. Use a casserole to boil a 2cups of water. Boil the pandan within 30minutes. Put the banana peel together with the pandan. Put a 1/2cup of kerosene and 3 teaspoon of cooking oil and dye. Observe the color to know if the extract of the Banana Peel change. Strain and squeeze the banana peel with pandan. Put the crushed candles into casserole and until it melts. Combine the melted candles and the extract of banana peel with pandan. Wait until it forms like a wax. Chapter II: Relatedà Literature Studies BANANAà is theà common nameà for a fruit and also theà herbaceousà plants of theà genusMusaà which produce the commonly eaten fruit. They are native to the tropical region ofà Southeast Asiaà andà Australia. Today, they are cultivated throughout theà tropics. Banana plants are of theà familyà Musaceae. They are cultivated primarily for their fruit, and to a lesser extent for the production of fiber and as ornamental plants. As the bananas are mainly tall, upright, and fairly sturdy, they are often mistaken for trees, when the truth is the main or upright stem is called a pseudostem, literally meaning ââ¬Å"fake stemâ⬠, which for some species can obtain a height of up to 2ââ¬â8 m, withà leaves of up to 3. 5 m in length. Each pseudostem would produce a bunch of yellow, green, or even red bananas before dying and being replaced by another pseudostem. Banana leaves are widely used as plates and for lining cooking pits and for wrapping food for cooking or storage. A section of leaf often serves as an eye-shade. In Latin America, it is a common practice during rains to hold a banana leaf by the petiole, upside-down, over oneââ¬â¢s back as an ââ¬Å"umbrellaâ⬠or ââ¬Å"raincoatâ⬠. The leaves of the ââ¬ËFehiââ¬â¢ banana are used for thatching, packing, and cigarette wrappers. Pandan is widely known for the many uses it contributes to us. It is a very beneficial plant that provides many useful things for our day to day life. The aroma of theà pandan leavesà is unique very hard to describe. It is somewhat nutty, similar to fresh hay which is eventually pleasant. You can also found this kind of aroma in some varieties of rice that are grown in South East Asian countries. A good example to that is the Thai Jasmin Rice. The distinct development of the aroma of the said leaves is best when it is wilting because the freshly picked pandan leaf is eventually odourless. But if you dry it, it would surely lose the aroma very quickly. On the other hand, the flavour component of the said plant is still unknown. Some experts suggested that the aroma comes from a volatile product of oxidation degragation of a yellow carotenoid pigment fround on the plant and forms only when the plant is withered. In that aspect, the pandan leaves is also similar to rose and saffron which also has a caratenoid derived aroma compound that makes it smell extra good. Pandan leavesà are a very famous plant in some Asian countries. It contributes a lot in many different ways but most distinctly to enhance the aroma of rice and other rice products, maybe because Pandan leaves has a hay-like odour. There is also other usage of pandan leaves that would contribute a lot to us. The following common usages ofà Pandan Leavesà are as follows. The most common use of pandan leaves, especially people in Asia, to add a subtle flavour of pandan in your food. It contributes a very good smell when added in the top of the rice so that, it will produce a good smell. It is very useful since it can add appetite to anyone who will eat the cooked rice. People in Asian countries tend to enjoy eating that kind of rice. It is also best if you add coconut milk together with pandan leaves in the cooked rice. That will result to a very special taste you could ever imagine. You could not compare its taste to anything. It is simply delicious that you can forget it comes from pandan leaves. Another useful thing you can produce through pandan leaves is that you can create a paste out of it. This kind of paste can be use in several kinds of recipes. You just simply cut the leaves, 1 inch each leaves, then place it in a pot at the stove. Add a cup of water to it and place as many leaves as long as it fits the pot. Boil the said mixture. Wait until the leaves are soft. Allow some water to evaporate. Lastly, process the water and the in a food processor to create a paste. By following those simple steps, you will be able to create something useful out of pandan leaves. Floor wax can be made out of used candle by heating the used candles till they melt completely, then we add a little kerosene to the melted candles. This is an excellent polish especially for wooden floors as they keep termites away. Organic matter is the peelââ¬â¢s principal constituent. Proteins account for 0. percent by weight of the peel, lipids are 1. 7 percent, carbohydrates are 59. 1 percent and crude fiber is 31. 7 percent. This composition makes the peel a good animal feedstock. Wood flooring brings an old time, rustic elegance to your home that lasts a life time. Unfortunately, many home owners do not know the correct way to clean and care for their wood floors. A common method for cleaning wood floors is with the use of oil soap. Many wood flooring manufacturers state that using oil soap on your flooring will void the warranty. Oil soap is essentially vegetable oil and vegetable oil leaves a residue behind. For centuries, people have used kerosene to clean their wood flooring. Kerosene will not only keep your floors from looking dull, but it removes heal marks, crayon and lipsticks without causing harm to your floors Chapter III: Methods of Research and Procedure Procedures: All the materials should be prepared. Slice the Banana and Pandan. Crush the candles. Use a casserole to boil a 2cups of water. Boil the pandan within 30minutes. Put the banana peel together with the pandan. Put a 1/2cup of kerosene and 3 teaspoon of cooking oil and dye. Observe the color to know if the extract of the Banana Peel change. Strain and squeeze the banana peel with pandan. 10. Put the crushed candles into casserole and until it melts. Combine the melted candles and the extract of banana peel with pandan. Wait until it form like a wax. Chapterà IV: Analysis Presentation and Interpretation of Data SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE PART I SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE PART II Chapterà V: Summary, Conclusion Recommendation CONCLUSION Banana peel has its many uses. One of these is as an alternative resource in making floorwax. It contains good fiber that makes the wax smoother and shiner. It offers the same quality just like the other common floorwax can offer. Moreover, it is cheaper and has a nicer fragrance than the former. Recommendation: The researcher would highly recommended that we could use banana floor wax instead of busy commercial floor wax in the market because it is cheaper and fits in our budget. à Bibliography http://www. hort. purdue. edu/newcrop/morton/banana. html#Other%20Uses http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Banana Components of a Banana Peel | eHow. com http://www. ehow. com/info_10033568_components-banana-peel. html#ixzz2KKGbgW6A How to Clean Wood Floors With Kerosene | eHow. com http://www. ehow. com/how_6153768_clean-wood-floors-kerosene. html#ixzz2KKVytGce
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Three Positions on Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Three Positions on Abortion - Essay Example The conservative stand rejects abortion at any cost. This position is largely based on religious beliefs regarding the sanctity of life. Conservatives also cite the ââ¬Ëslippery slopeââ¬â¢ argument, where the right to end life could be extended to other situations, such as euthanasia. The liberal position permits abortion unconditionally. Liberals accept various justifications for abortion, including the womanââ¬â¢s right to make decisions over her own body, the quality of life of fetus and mother, and monetary and career considerations. The conservative and liberal positions are both reflections of the uncompromising rigidity which often characterizes any debate on the issue of abortion. On the other hand, the moderate position on abortion recognizes the moral implications it entails, and acknowledges that the rights of the mother and the fetus are in conflict in this situation. Moderates accept the need for abortion, but limit their acceptance to situations entailing defor mity in the fetus, health risks to the mother, and cases of rape and incest. I agree with the moderate position on abortion because of its attempt to reconcile two extreme stands. The moderate position appeals to me as it represents a genuine attempt to reconcile two opposing viewpoints: the conservative and the liberal. ... From the liberal perspective, the moderate position accepts that several mitigating factors, largely concerned with the well-being of the mother, can justify the overruling of the right-to-life of the fetus. However, it rejects a casual attitude towards the suffering of the fetus. This middle-of-the-road position ensures that the issue of abortion can be taken on a case-by-case basis. After all, each case has its own unique circumstances, and the conservative stand of unilaterally ruling out abortion is unacceptable. For example, if the pregnancy poses a risk to the health of the mother, abortion can be justified. Similarly, moderates do not condone abortion out-of-hand. This sets curbs on the overly permissive liberal position, which could generate a laissez-faire attitude towards casual sex and pregnancy. Abortion without any restrictions would lead to sexual permissiveness and lack of responsibility. The moderate position approaches the issue of abortion without any preconceived i deas of morality, and adopts a non-judgmental stand which particularly appeals to me. Just as the moderate position on abortion is a calculated compromise between two extreme viewpoints, it incorporates several ethical approaches into its deliberately balanced stand, and rejects any rigidity. The moderate position, by nature of its flexibility, and willingness to accept compromise, rejects the Deontological Ethical Approach, because the latter emphasizes rigid moral obligation. Moral obligation, without any consideration of the resulting consequences, is foreign to moderates. Similarly, moderates reject the Intuitive Approach, based on the perception that this approach is often individual morality, or personal prejudices, painted in stubborn
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Photoelastic Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Photoelastic Methods - Assignment Example There has been recent methods namely Converging Light Method, Scattered Light Method and freezing Method, which are used in direct application of three dimensional models. In the engineering field, this method of photoelasttic analysis of stress is important as it is used to calculate stresses under different circumstances. A series polariscope involves an optical instrument that is used in performing the measurements of quantitative strain through photostress reflection photoelasticity method. The device is lightweight and compact and easy to operate. It is always designed for the tripod mounting or hand hold. It is always equipped to accommodate different special purpose accessories that adapt it to perform different tasks of measuring the strain with the photoelastic coatings. This experiment was conducted with a view to apply the photoelastic methods of measuring stress to get the values of the normal stress values of a beam and making a comparison of the measured stress values computed from the theory of elementary material strength. The study sought to compare theoretical values with measured values of the beam deflection. This study also sought to demonstrate the use and application of Maxwellââ¬â¢s law of reciprocal deflections In this experiment, the focus was on beam analysis. It involved applying the photoelastic techniques, and testing the cantilever beam. The aim was to use the Cantilever beam to help understand the fringe by relating to the magnitude of strain. As often the case, the cantilever beam is always coated at one end using a photostress plastic and clamped to the tableââ¬â¢s or benchââ¬â¢s edge. Besides, the sought to measure the deflection using the dial gage and the stress found by photoelasticity. The beam dimensions were taken and mounted to the needed fixed support with the help of a C clamp. A single dialing indicator was put at the beamââ¬â¢s center and the other next to the free end
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Ballet or football Essay Example for Free
Ballet or football Essay Ballet and football are both difficult sports to master; however, someone once said, ââ¬Å"If ballet were any easier, theyââ¬â¢d call it football. â⬠What makes for a good sport? Every sport has rules and regulations that one must follow in order to play. The sport requires specific skills such as strength, coordination, and speed. A good sport has a certain level of safety to keep the participants safe and requires a lot of teamwork so that every is playing together. I personally think ballet is the more technical of the two. Ballet is much more complex than football. Every sport requires you to follow certain guidelines. In football, the player canââ¬â¢t grab the opponent in certain ways or a yellow flag will be thrown on the ground to indicate holding or some penalty that no one has even heard of before. Football has rules that the team must obey. On the other hand, ballet is less restricted than football. They are no rules in ballet. Ballet is a form of art; there are no limitations on art. Ballet is not about winning or following any rules; it is about expression through movement. Although there is more freedom in ballet, there is a lot of technique required. You must hold your arms a certain way so that they do not droop, and you must always remember the turn out of your thigh when you tendu. Ballet may not have rules, but there are still plenty of little details to remember. Strength is a major component of almost any sport. In football, the quarterback relies on two hundred and fifty pound linemen to block so that he can get the ball in the end zone. The defensive linemen have to use their upper body strength to hold the opposing team and keep them from getting to the ball. They use their lower body to stand strong to hold their ground like grabbing a bull by the horns. Ballet requires a totally different kind of strength than football does. Dancers use their upper bodies to hold their arms above their heads in a perfect beach ball shaped fifth position while still keeping their shoulders down for thirty minutes at a time. They use their lower body strength to push out of a plie to a pique turn and have to maintain the core strength, so they do not wobble too much. Football does not require much coordination. It wasnââ¬â¢t a sport that was meant to be pretty. It was meant to be rough and rugged for the manliest of men. While watching the game, half of the time you donââ¬â¢t even know if they meant to fall down or if they just happen to be clumsy enough to fall over their own two feet. It tends to be one big dog pile play after play. In ballet, coordination is everything. Dancers must make sure they are in the exact spot that they are supposed to be at and be in sync with every other dancer on the stage. Pierce Brosnan said, Love is a lot like dancing; you just surrender to the music (Willcutt). Every beat must be a white flag waving and show complete dedication to the music. Dancers have to be coordinated enough to do long elaborate pieces of choreography while still maintaining a smile on their faces. Ballerinas must make every single movement appear effortless. In football, speed is very important when a wide receiver is trying to run the ball down the field. It is his speed that helps him to pass by the other players in lightning speed so fast that they do not even know what hit them. I know what youââ¬â¢re thinkingâ⬠¦. why would you need speed in ballet? However, not one ballerina would ever dream of doing a slow fouette, a move in which you whip your leg around to spin. It would be a disaster. Fouettes are meant to be fast to get your body around faster to make your pirouettes prettier. Speed and extreme focus is what makes a ballerina capable of turning. Although countless football players get hurt yearly, they have equipment that is specifically designed to keep them from serious injury. Football players risk injury every time they step foot out on that field, but if they fall down, their equipment is there to take the majority of the impact. Safety is important in any sport you play; that is why in football the players wear pads and helmets for protection. However, dancers must maintain a flawless posture to keep from injuring themselves. There is no special equipment for a dancer to use to keep themselves to safe. A dancer must rely on stretching to warm up his or her muscles. Dancers have to take every good care of their ankles and knees because they are constantly at risk of injury. If a dancer twists her ankle on stage during a performance, she doesnââ¬â¢t call in the second string. She sucks it up, puts on a brave face, and keeps on dancing. Teamwork is important in football because if you donââ¬â¢t read your guards, then you are liable to screw the entire play up. The player must know what the play is and what exact role everyone is going to play. The players huddle up before each play to strategize against the other team. They break off and have to rely on their teammates to do what is required of them. Vince Lombardi said, ââ¬Å"People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defenses, or the problems of modern societyâ⬠(Family of Vince). When you think of the word team, you donââ¬â¢t exactly picture a group of ballerinas dancing on a shiny hardwood stage. You stereotypically think of the Pittsburg Steelers or some other NFL team. However, in ballet, every dancer is part of a team. You have to be so in tune with one another that as soon as the music begins, everyone begins to dance as if a bunch of puppets moving on strings. If one ââ¬Å"teammateâ⬠loses rhythm then the whole performance suffers. Dancers rehearse with their fellow dancers for weeks and weeks to perfect their dance so that it will be flawless. In the end, ballet and football require a great amount of passion and determination. If you do not have the heart, you will not be willing to put in the blood, sweat, and tears that it takes to pursue the sport whole-heartedly. Although football may be a little easier, both sports demand a lot of hard work. Works Cited Family of Vince Lombardi c/o Luminary Group LLC. ââ¬Å"Famous Quotes by Vince Lombardi. â⬠Vince Lombardi. 2010. Web. October 4, 2012. Willcutt, Sara. ââ¬Å"Dance Quotes 3. â⬠Ascending Star Dance- An Internet Dance Magazine. 2007. Web. October 4, 2012.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Steroids and Sports Essay -- Sports Argumentative Drugs Essays
Steroids and Sports Steroids, ever since their introduction into the sports world five decades ago, they have been a controversial issue (WebMD medical news). Anabolic performance dates as far back as the original Olympic Games. Today walking into any gym you will find some one who is using steroids or some kind of enhancement supplement. Anabolic steroids are so popular with athletes from high School level all the way up to the top. For the past fifty years, athletes around the world use steroids to gain muscle mass, and along with regular work-outs try to achieve the results they desire. Kids today using these drugs are getting younger and younger every day. But is it worth the cost? I believe the ban on steroids should be strictly enforced because besides the health risks it provides, it also compromises the integrity of the game in sports. The history of anabolic steroids can be traced back to the 1930's when a team of scientists first produced synthetic testosterone. The purpose of this synthetic steroid was to improve malnutrition and muscle loss in patients. In to the sports arena they were first introduced by the German athletes in preparation for the 1936 Olympic Games (Measles 2). The Russian Weight-lifting team won several metals in 1952 Olympic Games due to the use of "synthetic testosterone (Measles 54). After this American sport's physicians determined the US athletes should have the same completive advantage, and so the Americans started to use steroids. By the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City, the debate was not over the ethical or moral use of the drugs, but whether which drug was more effective. By 1969 all was in the open; the talk among users was all praise of the effect steroids had on performance (M... ...ung athletes should be encouraged to rely on their natural talents and strengths for the sake of fair play and medical safety. Anabolic steroids improve strength but that doesn't necessarily make you a better player. Work Cited Anabolic steroids in Sport and Exercise. Second edition. Charles E. Yesalis, MPH, ScD the Pennsylvania State University Editor. Explains the history of Steroids and also talks about how it is used in today's sports, and how steroids can be prevented. In this article they talk about the growing use of steroid in sports. INFOFACTS; Steroids : In this website they talk about the health hazards of using Anabolic steroids. AMETRICAN COLLEGE of SPORTS MEDICINE Steroid survey reveals dangerous trends among users: June 1, 2005.
Monday, November 11, 2019
ââ¬ËArabyââ¬â¢ by James Joyce Essay
What impression of Dublin and its people does James Joyce give in his story ââ¬ËArabyââ¬â¢? James Augustine Alrysius Joyce, an Irish writer, was born in Dublin 2nd February 1882 and died in Zurich, Switzerland 13th January 1941. He was born into a well-off Catholic family and was the eldest surviving child; two of his siblings died of typhoid. Joyce was originally educated at Clongowes Wood College, a boarding school in County Kildare, which he left at the age of 6 because his father could no longer pay the fees. James Joyce studied at home for a brief period of time before being offered a place in the Jesuitsââ¬â¢ Dublin School. At the age of 16 he rejected Catholicism which changed his life completely. At the age of 20, after graduating from the UDC (University College Dublin) he left for Paris and tried studying different occupations like teaching, journalism and even a doctor. At the age of 21 he returned to Ireland after receiving news that his mother was diagnosed with cancer. After she had died James Joyce became a heavy drinker but gradually stopped as he got over her death. He then stayed in Dublin for a period of time from 1904-1907 writing the ââ¬Å"Dublinersâ⬠and also started many other books. The book ââ¬Å"Dublinersâ⬠is a collection of short stories and ââ¬Å"Arabyâ⬠, like all of them, have ââ¬Å"paralysisâ⬠meaning that they canââ¬â¢t leave Dublin. For example in the short story ââ¬Å"Clayâ⬠Maria has the chance to make a new life and leave Dublin but turns it down because she is too scared. This also occurs in ââ¬Å"A Painful Caseâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Evelineâ⬠, as they donââ¬â¢t have to courage to leave Dublin. In the short story ââ¬Å"The Boarding Houseâ⬠, Bob Doran wishes to leave Dublin but canââ¬â¢t because he is trapped inside marriage. Most of the short stories, unlike ââ¬Å"Arabyâ⬠, go in circles, for instance, ââ¬Å"Two Gallantsâ⬠when Lenehan just wanders around Dublin. This also occurs in ââ¬Å"The Deadâ⬠because a horse just goes around and around in circles, and also in ââ¬Å"An Encounterâ⬠when a pervert tries to stop but end back in the same perverted world. At the end of the short stories James Joyce always write an epiphany, which is a revelation, but in all but one story the revelation is only noticed by the reader but in ââ¬Å"Arabyâ⬠both the reader and the protagonist ââ¬â the protagonist is the main character ââ¬â have an epiphany ââ¬â an epiphany is a moment of revelation, usually at the end of the story. In the streets of Dublin James Joyce writes them as being ââ¬Å"blindâ⬠, meaning that itââ¬â¢s a dead end and there is nothingness, it also means that you canââ¬â¢t escape and there is nowhere to go (there is no way of getting out of Dublin). The main reason is that there is no vision, meaning that you canââ¬â¢t see how terrible and run down Ireland really is. He describes all things by the colours ââ¬Å"brownâ⬠and ââ¬Å"yellowâ⬠that symbolises human excrements. He writes ââ¬Å"the lamps of the street lifted their feeble lanternsâ⬠, the word ââ¬Å"feebleâ⬠shows that the light is not even strong enough to even penetrate the darkness. ââ¬Å"Jostled by drunken men and bargaining womenâ⬠, the word bargaining in this case can mean two things. The first meaning of it is that they are just selling items and changing the prices of them, and the second meaning is that the women are bargaining for their bodies, they are prostitutes. There are â⠬Å"street singersâ⬠who sing about the problems in Ireland. Also that weather is always extremely violent, and this is shown by the words ââ¬Å"cold air stung usâ⬠, ââ¬Å"rain impinge upon the earthâ⬠and ââ¬Å"the air was pitilessly rawâ⬠. Religion in Dublin is exceedingly poor. In the second paragraph it says ââ¬Å"a priest, had diedâ⬠showing that the faith in Dublin has disappeared off the face of the earth. Inside the house of the dead priest there were books that were ââ¬Å"curled and dampâ⬠meaning that the interest in them was lost. The books were ââ¬Å"The Abbotâ⬠which is a religious story, ââ¬Å"The Devout Communicantâ⬠which is a book on how to receive Holy Communion well and the last one ââ¬Å"The Memoirs of Vidocqâ⬠which is about a thief. The books are muddled up indicating that religion in Ireland is a sham. When it talks about the priest again it first says ââ¬Å"very charitable priestâ⬠making you think that the priest was a good man, and suddenly says ââ¬Å"in his will he had left all his money to institutions and the furniture of his house to his sisterâ⬠presenting the complete opposite. This means that the priest was only charitable went he knew he was dieing and he wasnââ¬â¢t a nice man. In the dead priestââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"wild gardenâ⬠there is an apple tree in the centre signifying the Garden of Eden which is a source of evil. In a bush in the garden, there is a ââ¬Å"rusty bicycle-pumpâ⬠, this can denote three things. The first description of the bicycle-pump is that there is no escape because, if you canââ¬â¢t pump up your tires, then you canââ¬â¢t go anywhere. The second explanation represents the snake, or Satan, in the Garden of Eden because the pump is approximately the same size a snake. The last reason, symbolizes a heart, meaning that, because the heart is not pumping, there is no love or life in Dublin, symbolizing that everything is hopeless. A good part in the story when you know that religion is just a phoney in Dublin is when the boyââ¬â¢s Aunt says ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m afraid you may have to put off your bazaar for this night of Our Lordâ⬠actually saying that he should just forget about it in a nasty way. Although she I using religious word she is using them without kindness, meaning that she is not caring about him. The family life in Dublin isnââ¬â¢t very pleasant either. In the beginning of the book, the boy says ââ¬Å"if my Uncle was seen turning the corner, we hid in the shadowâ⬠indicating that he doesnââ¬â¢t live with his parents, and also that heââ¬â¢s scared of him. On the night of the bazaar his Uncle came home late, ââ¬Å"I heard him talking to himselfâ⬠meaning he was obviously drunk and had forgotten all about Araby. The love in Dublin is bland. For the boy he loves and stalks ââ¬Å"Manganââ¬â¢s sisterâ⬠. She is called thins because he doesnââ¬â¢t actually know her name so he names her ââ¬Å"Manganââ¬â¢s sisterâ⬠. He defines her as ââ¬Å"lightâ⬠because he thinks of Dublin as the dark and Manganââ¬â¢s sister as a light to brighten up Dublin. When he looks at her ââ¬Å"her dress swung as she moved her body, and the soft rope of her hair tossed from side to sideâ⬠, she is describes as lively and everyone else is not. ââ¬Å"Followed herâ⬠, or stalking her is the meaning, ââ¬Å"I kept her ââ¬Ëbrownââ¬â¢ figure always in my eyeâ⬠, ââ¬Å"brownâ⬠indicating that she is actually just an ordinary person with nothing special about her. Within one paragraph there are five words ââ¬Å"chaliceâ⬠, ââ¬Å"prayersâ⬠, ââ¬Å"praisesâ⬠, ââ¬Å"tearsâ⬠and ââ¬Å"adorationâ⬠, he describes her with religious word, and because he left Catholicism she is now his secular religion (one without God). She is also like music to his ears because it says ââ¬Å"my body was like a harp and her words and gestures were like fingers running upon the wiresâ⬠. Also showing that he uses her in a secular religion is a sentence saying ââ¬Å"I pressed the palms of my hands together until they trembled, murmuring: ââ¬ËO love! O love! many timesâ⬠showing that he worships her a lot. ââ¬Å"At last she spoke to meâ⬠, this is the moment he was waiting for the whole time. She then talks about ââ¬Å"Arabyâ⬠and says she canââ¬â¢t go. While she was talking to him ââ¬Å"she turned a sliver braceletâ⬠, silver indicating bright. In two sentences he uses six words to describe how radiant and bright she is and how drawn he is to her, they are ââ¬Å"lightâ⬠, ââ¬Å"lampâ⬠, ââ¬Å"whiteâ⬠, ââ¬Å"litâ⬠, ââ¬Å"litâ⬠and ââ¬Å"â⬠whiteâ⬠, repeating ââ¬Å"whiteâ⬠and ââ¬Å"litâ⬠. ââ¬Å"Waking and sleep thoughtsâ⬠and ââ¬Å"chafed against the work of schoolâ⬠imply that he canââ¬â¢t do anything besides thinking about Araby and Manganââ¬â¢s sister, and it also says ââ¬Å"I strove to readâ⬠hinting the same thing. ââ¬Å"Lie at the windowâ⬠signals that he stalks and spies on Manganââ¬â¢s sister, and he is ââ¬Å"singingâ⬠because he is happy about getting Manganââ¬â¢s sister a present. Lastly he has a sexual desire for Manganââ¬â¢s sister because it says ââ¬Å"border below the dressâ⬠suggesting that he is growing quite fast and is into the puberty stage of life. ââ¬Å"Arabyâ⬠is a fair or, a ââ¬Å"bazaarâ⬠ââ¬â which is a foreign word from the east. In the boyââ¬â¢s eyes, ââ¬Å"Arabyâ⬠is an exotic place that gets away from all the darkness of Dublin. Also Araby is close to the word Arabia which is in the east signifying that itââ¬â¢s exotic, rich. And because it is in the east it signifies that the sunrise comes from the east, representing a new day, a new hope, a new light. Also Jesus resurrected in the east, epitomizing a new beginning or day. When he eventually arrives to Araby, he goes around the stalls and finds that most of them are closed. There is one that is open but when he sees the people at the stall he discovers they all speak in English accents indicating that the bazaar is not exotic at all. A ââ¬Å"young ladyâ⬠, who is probably a prostitute, because she is seen flirting with two men at the same time, asks the boy if he wants to buy anything but he says ââ¬Å"no, thank youâ⬠. And from this, all of his dreams end because, the items are too expensive and mundane. At the end of the story there is an epiphany, which is the moment of revelation, to both the reader and the protagonist, because usually the epiphany is only recognisable to the reader. On the second from last paragraph at the end it says ââ¬Å"complete darknessâ⬠signifying that all hope is gone. The whole of the last paragraph says ââ¬Å"gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and angerâ⬠, this is the exact moment when he realises that all Dublin was in vain and all he did was in vain. He figures out from this that there actually is no love, no romance and no chivalry.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Adolescents as a Vulnerable Population for Obesity Essay
The adolescent, aged 12 to 18 years, is in the stage of identity versus role confusion. Life for teens is complex and the transition from the previous stage is tremendous. Teens are expected, and desire, to commence taking charge of their lives and their futures. They make decisions about who they are and how they will fit into the world. Knowledge and experience as these are related to education, health, politics, sex, environment, culture, family, and social relationships, all shape the teenââ¬â¢s identity. If adolescents do not successfully navigate this stage, they experience role confusion (Pantea, 2011). During the stage of adolescence, children attempt to self-identify or gain a sense of who they are and their role in life, while facing the challenges of peer pressure and other environmental factors. It is important to educate adolescence on the importance of maintaining self-strength to avoid the influence of the society around them. For us, as educators, this may be one o f the greatest challenges because we must try to relate to an adolescent in reference to their age, gender, socioeconomic status, etc. There are many theories that describe the changes an adolescent may go through; a popular theorists, Sigmund Freud describes both psychosexual as well as personality development throughout childhood. Adolescence is a very important time for teaching maintenance of healthy habits. The goal being, to carry these healthy habits into adulthood. Some factors which influence adolescent obesity are, limited access to healthy and affordable foods, environment, food insecurity related to lack of money, poor eating habits, an increase in ââ¬Å"screen timeâ⬠such as television, computers and video games causing a decrease in activity, and food marketing targeting children and adolescents. Adolescents eat moreà food prepared away from home than in the past. Eating away from home increases calorie consumption, and many of the calories come in the form of saturated fats. Bottom line, kids are eating more unhealthy foods and they are a lot less active. ââ¬Å"In 2009, less than 20 percent of high school students engaged in the recommended amount of physical activity of 60 minutes every day and over 20 percent did not get exercise on any day, though rates vary by gender and raceâ⬠( Schwartz & Peterson, 2010). In 1992 the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) created the food guide pyramid. This basic drawing explained the pieces of a healthy diet. The pyramid was widely used in schools, on food labels, in print media and medical brochures. However this was not based on much scientific evidence and did not do much to encourage healthy eating. In 2011 the USDA replaced the pyramid with ââ¬Å"My Plateâ⬠. This new image is a simple way to remind people to think about food choices when eating a meal. The website is designed to help people of all ages and backgrounds incorporate better eating habits. This site offers meal planning, education, games for children, and also links to other sites that can enhance your knowledge on nutrition (USDA, 2014). ââ¬Å"Epidemiology is the science and practice which describes and explains disease patterns in populations and puts this knowledge to use to improve healthâ⬠(Bhopal, nd), or the science or study of epidemic. It is the scientific study of disease exploration. According to the CDC the ten steps used in investigating an outbreak of a disease are: 1) Prepare for field work, 2)Establish the existence of an outbreak, 3)Verify the diagnosis, 4)Define and identify cases, 5)Describe and orient the data in terms of time, place, and person, 6)Develop hypotheses, 7)Evaluate hypotheses, 8)Refine hypotheses and carry out additional studies, 9) Implement control and prevention measures, 10) Communicate findings. (Centers for Disease Control, 2004). The epidemiologic triangle is a model that scientist have established for studying health problems. The triangle has three corners called vertices. The three vertices of the triangle are the agent, host, and environment. In relationship to adolescent obesity, the primary agent influencing adolescent obesity is high caloric food and its availability, the host is the teenager being physically inactive and/or over eating, andà the environment is the absence of accessibility to nutritious healthy foods, education resources and support Epidemiologists prefer two types of studies for searching out risk factors for disease, case-control studies and cohort studies. A cohort study would be most suitable for the research of adolescent obesity since it would provide a much better opportunity to establish a cause-effect relationship as it begins with the exposure, high calorie food and moves forward in time to the disease, adolescent obesity, which could be stretched further into adulthood obesity and the diseases related to it. The three levels of epidemiological disease prevention are, primary, secondary and tertiary. The primary level focuses on prevention methods before the person gets the disease. So in the case in adolescent obesity the primary level of prevention would be to develop a plan that is effective both at home and in school for preventing weight gain by promoting healthy eating and exercise habits. Schools possess the opportunity to give students the tools and strategies for them to adopt and continue healthy lifestyles even after they graduate or leave. Assuring there are strategies in place at schools to promote healthy activities is also crucial to reshaping studentââ¬â¢s habits for the better. First, they must build the foundation for healthy activity and eating. Schools need to have a coordinated school health program in place as a guideline. CSHPs provide a systematic approach to promoting Student health and learning. The model promoted by CDC consists of eight components that can strongly influence student health and learning including health education, physical education, and school meals, which are present in most schools (CDC, 2013). ââ¬Å"Active coordination is needed to engage school staff, à implement district/school priority actions assess programs à and policies; create a plan based on data, sound science, and analysis of gaps and redundancies in school health programming; establish goals, and evaluate efforts. A well-coordinated school health program results in an organized set of courses, services, policies and interventions that meet the health and safety needs of all studentsâ⬠(CDC, 2013, pg.3). So primary prevention reduces both the incidence and prevalence of a disease. The secondary level focuses on after the disease has occurred but before the person realizes anything is wrong. The goal of secondary prevention is to find and treat disease early. So, say for instance, the adolescent is ââ¬Å"a little overweightâ⬠or ââ¬Å"thick but not fatâ⬠, by the time the teenager is recognizing and using these terms, they are most likely well on their way to being classified as obese. Finally the tertiary level is aimed at those people who already have symptoms of the disease. The goal of tertiary care is to prevent the disease from causing any further health related complications and to perhaps slow down the disease process. There is also a goal of providing better care to the patient and maybe even doing it well enough that the disease can be reversed and the patient can be healthy again. So an obese adolescent who has been diagnosed as obese and is aware they are obese would fall into this category. In conclusion, epidemiologists study the adolescents and their health problem of obesity and from these studies they try to find the contributing factors to the problem of adolescent obesity. Then the epidemiologist look for a solution to the problem, by perhaps researching ways to eliminate the contributing factors, in hopes of preventing the disease of adolescent obesity before it starts. References Bhopal R nd What is epidemiologyBhopal, R. (nd). What is epidemiology? Retrieved from 20140413220211460672974 Center for Disease Control 2004 Steps for an Outbreak InvestigationCenter for Disease Control (2004, November 17). Steps for an Outbreak Investigation. Retrieved from Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2013) Adolescent and School Health. Retrieved 04/12/14 from Pantea, M. (2011). Adolescence. In M. Stange, C. Oyster, & J. Sloan (Eds.), Encyclopedia of women in todayââ¬â¢s world. (1st ed., pp. 26-28). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 5/97814129vcvvvvcffffddfdfr 95962.n11 20140413222409263847828 Schwartz S Peterson J 2010 Adolescent Obesity in the Unted StatesSchwartz, S., & Peterson, J. (2010, November). Adolescent Obesity in the United States. Retrieved from United States Department of Agriculture. (2014). Choose my plate. Retrieved from 20140413214914517867326
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Good Country People Summary Essays
Good Country People Summary Essays Good Country People Summary Paper Good Country People Summary Paper A Salesmanââ¬â¢s Deception Hulga Hopewell was a thirty-two year old woman who still lived at home with her mother, Mrs. Hopewell. She did not enjoy her motherââ¬â¢s company nor did she enjoy the company of the neighbor, Mrs. Freeman, or Mrs. Freemanââ¬â¢s two daughters, Glynese and Carramae. In her mind, Hulga referred to them frequently as Glycerin and Caramel. She did find joy in the company of a young man named Manley Pointer, though, who taught Hulga that he was not the boy he seemed to be and that she never should have trusted him. Hulga Hopewell was a very intelligent woman who was involved in an unfortunate hunting accident at the age of ten. During this accident, her leg was shot off and she was never quite the same. She had a degree in philosophy, which her mother was not proud of. Her mother would have preferred her to be an English teacher or a nurse or even a chemical engineer. Mrs. Hopewell was not particularly fond of her daughter at all. This was because Hulga was very unpleasant to be around ââ¬â she frequently stomped around the house ââ¬â and she resented the fact that Hulga had changed the name she had bestowed upon her at birth. : Hulga was originally named Joy, but she felt that she did not deserve the happy or beautiful name of Joy, so she chose the ugliest, foulest name her mind could muster. Her mother would only refer to her by the name of Joy and refused to call her Hulga. Mrs. Hopewell loved what she referred to as good country people; she thought they were the salt of the earth. That is why she allowed Mr. and Mrs. Freeman and their two daughters to live in their tenant house, even though Mrs. Freeman was a very nosey neighbor. So when a polite, young country gentleman named Manley Pointer came by one day selling bibles, she could never have known that he was in fact the scum of the earth. He took an instant interest in Hulga and quickly accepted the invite to stay for dinner. At dinner Manley did what he was expected to do, which was to talk about the lord, his church, himself, and also of a heart condition that was similar to Hulgaââ¬â¢s. Mrs. Hopewell was touched by this young man and extended him an invitation to come back any time he wished, which he kindly accepted. As he was leaving, he stopped to talk to Hulga. Their conversation began with a lousy joke about a chicken and he asked her how old she was. Her response was a lie; she claimed she was only seventeen. He then told her that he noticed she had a wooden leg and that he found her very brave and sweet and that they were destined to meet. He also asked her to meet him on Saturday at her gate and go on a picnic with him, to which she agreed. Mrs. Freeman saw their encounter, but did not think much of it. The next morning she only gave Hulga a side-long glance as if they shared some small secret. Hulga went to their agreed meeting place at exactly ten oââ¬â¢clock and waited for a short period of time until he emerged from behind some bushes across the street. He wore a new looking hat and still carried the briefcase that held his bibles. They quickly set off through the pasture to the woods. During this time she told him that she did not believe in a God; he found this unusual and surprising. Hulga continued trekking along until they came to the end of the woods. Here he kissed her, but she felt no real feeling behind it even though it was her first kiss. The two spoke no words for some time after their kiss and soon came to a barn. Manley insulted Hulga by insinuating that she could not climb up the ladder to the loft because of her bum leg. She swiftly proved him wrong and skillfully ascended the ladderââ¬â¢s rungs. Once both were safely up the ladder, they laid down in a pile of straw. Manley did not waste any time before he began to kiss her once more and she was reluctant to return any of his affections at all, though she eventually gave in. Soon he was confessing his love for her and how he had loved her from the moment he set eyes upon her. He told her many sweet things; she was smart, unique, brave, and sweet. When Hulga did not say that she loved him also, he pestered her until she did. Manley then asked her to show him her false leg and how she puts it on and takes it off. Naturally, Hulga was appalled and refused for some time, though she once more gave in. Hulga agreed to allow Manley take off her leg, which he did with excitement. After removing the artificial leg, he did not reattach the limb as Hulga had expected. Instead he opened the case that contained his bibles and pulled out three items: a pocket-sized flask of whiskey, a pack of playing cards, and a small pill case that read, ââ¬Å"This product to be used only for the prevention of disease. â⬠Hulga was blatantly shocked and confused. She had honestly thought Manley Pointer was simply good country people. Hulga insisted that her leg be returned to her right away, but Manley refused. He told her that they would have themselves a good time, since there was nothing left to do. Once more, Hulga was awestruck. She exclaimed that he was a supposed to be a fine Christian, to which he took great offense to. Manley fervently expressed that he was not and quickly gathered his few items and his one newfound prize, Hulgaââ¬â¢s leg. As he climbed down the ladder, Manley looked at Hulga one last time as she pathetically in the hay before him and admitted that she was not his first victim. He also admitted Manley Pointer was not his real name and how he changed it after visiting any house before he descended down the remaining steps and out of Hulgaââ¬â¢s life forever. Mrs. Hopewell and Mrs. Freeman saw Manley leaving and could have easily stopped him, but of course they had no idea as to what had just transpired. The two women merely assumed he was selling bibles to the Negros who lived farther back and continued to dig up onions. Mrs. Hopewell expressed how she wished she could be a simple person like Manley Pointer. She never could have known that he was the opposite of everything he seemed and that only Hulga and his other victims would know the fiend that he really was.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Implications for Managers of Multinational Corporations (MNCs) Essay
Implications for Managers of Multinational Corporations (MNCs) - Essay Example However, managers of the multinationals that seek to venture into emerging economies need to evaluate the business environment as their strategies are shaped by forces beyond their control. The managers have a vital role to play while formulating new strategies and organizational structures when dealing with Governments and companies in emerging markets. Financial strategy The emerging markets have fast growing GDPs thereby offering the MNCs with great opportunities and profit potential. However, the MNCs face not only the risks of cultural and institutional differences, the managers of the MNCs also have to take into account the risks inherent in unpredictable politics and unstable economies (Anonymous, 1995). The managers thus have the responsibility to develop financial strategies that provide protection from excessive risks. As far as financial strategies are concerned, some MNCs use instruments such as asset-backed securities while others work with regional and global banks. Fin ancial institutions such as the Asian Development Bank help the governments establish priorities for economic reform and development. The regional/local governments offer resistance to MNCs as it fears the domestic production would be affected. The governments feel that while the MNCs would bring cutting-edge technology along with FDI into emerging economies, there is resistance from the domestic competitors. The managers must also take into account technology transfer, cultural distance, international experience, immigrant experience, industrial barriers, foreign exchange rate and host country barriers (Zhao & Decker, 2004). The MNCs have the power to stifle economy because of their sheer size or so believes the emerging economy governments and hence the MNCs may face protectionist attitude from the host governments. MNCs may have anti-corporate and anti-establishment sentiments triggered by the civil societies in the host governments. Thus through the right entry strategy the mana gers can overcome resistance offered by the protectionist government. The MNCs enter Central and Eastern Europe by forming strategic alliances through acquiring privatized firms or state-owned enterprises (Rondinelli & Black, 2000). These MNCs face the challenge of privatization although some governments do move ahead at speed to privatize the SOEs. Some Eastern Europe governments do make it difficult for foreign investors to enter into strategic alliances or form joint ventures. Russia receives very little FDI because of the high tariffs and non-tariff barriers on FDI. In fact, in some of the developing economies, the MNCs are seen as threats by some SOEs, privatized companies, government agencies or political interest groups that do not support foreign domination. Therefore the challenge for the MNC managers lies in developing alliances or acquisitions that benefits the shareholders, the host-country counterparts and the local government as well. The managers must hence prioritize business objectives while also selecting the best entry channels. They must evaluate the potential impact on the host-country stakeholders and determine local partner fit. If MNCs are seen as partners in privation and economic transformation the alliances or acquisitions are more likely to succeed. Substantial restructuring may need to be implemented by the MNCs to
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Wave power renewable energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Wave power renewable energy - Essay Example In the similar manner, wind energy converts the wind to energy. On the other hand, non renewable energy resources utilize fossil fuel resources like coal, petroleum oil and natural gas to produce energy. Non renewable energy resources produce immense amount of green house emissions. Non renewable energy resources are going to end one day but renewable energy resources are not going t end till the end of the earth. The prices of oil and gas are rising day by day and renewable energy resources are free for all. Wave energy is also a renewable form of energy has several advantages over on renewable energy resources. Wave energy converts the hydrodynamic energy of the waves to a usable energy form (mostly electricity). Waves are formed due to the impact of the high winds on the surface of oceans. When a wave id formed an immense amount of water is forced to displace. The displacement of the water can be changes to energy. Wave energy is a renewable form of energy as it produces no green house gas emission and requires no fuel to generate energy (Henderson, 2006, p.271). Several methods are utilized to convert the wave energy to electricity. One method of the wave energy conversion is to utilize the high surge of air blasting through an enclosed air trapping body. The high surge of air rotates the air turbine with an immense power. The turbine is directly connected to an alternator r generator that converts the mechanical energy to electrical energy (Australian Ethical, 2014). Other methods include the hydraulic pressure generation, hydroelectric turbine generation and linear generator. The power generation method utilizing the hydraulics captures the wave energy by using the submerged wave columns. When a wave comes, water is hydraulically pressured by the water columns to move the turbine blades directly from the high pressurized water or utilized to be filled in a reservoir. The water from
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